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Presentation Guideline

Guidelines for on-site Presentaion: 


How Long is the Ideal Presentation?
You have a 15-minute slot allocated in which to present, but your presentation itself should be no longer than 13 minutes. We would suggest aiming for around 12–13 minutes. This will allow ample time for directly engaging with the audience through discussion and questions.

PowerPoint Slide Guide
Number of Slides
There is no perfect number of slides for a PowerPoint presentation, but the concept "less is more" applies here. We suggest approximately 10–15 slides for a 15-minute presentation.


Practice Makes Perfect
Long before the conference, make sure you spend ample time distilling and crafting your ideas into a well-thought-out presentation. Do NOT just read out your paper – a well-written paper does not equal an interesting and effective presentation.
Practice delivery, timing and use of visuals a long while ahead of the event with your colleagues and friends. Invite feedback and incorporate their criticisms as you polish your presentation, which should be interesting and informative, well paced and lively. Show your passion for your subject: enthusiasm is infectious!


What to Wear
There is no official dress code, but delegates generally wear business casual. However, professional attire is appreciated by fellow professionals, so we suggest erring on the smart side – although a tie is not necessary!


Aim to arrive the conference room at least a few minutes in advance before the session starts. Time is of vital importance in making a presentation, so please be aware of the overall length of your presentation, as well as how the time is divided within your presentation, to ensure that you leave the appropriate amount of time for each point.



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